Why has my child not started walking as yet?
Q: My grandchild was born two months premature. Now she is 16 months old. She frequently throws up after having food. She still crawls and has not started walking properly. How do we help her walk? Also, when and how should we start her potty training? We are trying to feed her small amounts of food. What should be the time gap between meals? I am giving her breakfast at 9:00 am, lunch at 11:30 am (which consists of dal, rice and some vegetables), curd rice at 3:00 pm and milk and rice at 6:00 pm. Even if I grind her food, she throws up. How do I make her eat without throwing up?
A:As far as walking is concerned, if she was born premature she may walk a little later than other children and that should not cause concern. I presume that she is being seen regularly by a neuro-developmental pediatrician. As far as eating is concerned she needs three meals: breakfast lunch and dinner. Milk 2-3 times a day may be offered and this should be enough. Do not grind all the food that you give the child as it is important that they learn to chew and eat their food. Potty training should be started after 18 months of age. Take the child to the toilet every hour for emptying the bladder. This interval can be increased to 1 and a half to 2 hours as the child becomes more confident and will be able to tell when she needs to pass urine.