Why doesn't my son want to go to the main school?
Q: My three-year-old son weeps a lot while going to the school. He does not want to go to the school. It is very difficult for him to stay at one place in the class. He just wants to be out of the class, although he seems to have a sharp mind. All other children (many of his age) don't cry at all. This is a main school and not a play school. We are worried on how to deal with the situation. All coaxing and other ways have failed. Please advise.
A:Why would a 3-year-old want to go to a main school? If it is possible, find a small and friendly school that he can attend. If that is not possible, let him get used gradually to the school. Children are different from each other just as adults are. Stop expecting a mechanical similarity among all children and be gentle with your child. The fact that you are shouting at him for being scared will make him even more scared.