Why doesn't my son take his feeds adequately?
Q: My two months old son doesn't take his feed during the day. He goes off to sleep as soon as I start feeding him. Due to this I have started feeding him after every hour. But he takes it only for 5-10 minutes and doesn't even burp. I am worried since he is very small (4.9 kg in weight, 60 cm in height). He passes stools 1-2 times and urinates 10-15 times a day. Will this affect his health?
A:I presume that you are breast feeding your baby. In that situation, if a baby is passing urine 10-12 times per day and stools 1-2 times, it indicates that his milk intake is adequate. Another indication of adequate feeding would be if a baby sleeps well after feeds and is playful when awake. His weight and length at this age are dependent a lot on the birth weight. In any case, 4.9 kg and 60 cm are perfectly normal for his age. A baby usually gets in most of his nutritional requirement during first 5-7 minutes of feeding. Suckling beyond that, though very important from satiety and emotional satisfaction point of view, does not contribute much to nutrition. You should, therefore relax. Continue to feed him from both breasts after a gap of 3 hours or so, the time varying according to baby's need. Your milk shall be adequate to meet his requirement till 6 months of age, when you can gradually add supplements.