Why doesn't my son complete his classwork?
Q: My 7-year-old son shows lack of concentration in the class. Every day he returns from school with unfinished class work. The teacher made him sit at her desk and with prodding he finished his work. With some success he was shifted to the front row. For some time there was improvement, but he soon returned to his old ways. Sometimes, he just writes the date and heading on his class work and nothing else. At home he does his work properly under my guidance and I feel that his grasping power is also fine. When he was 4-5 years old, he was a fussy eater but now he is fine, except that he doesn't take milk. The complaints from the school are getting frequent and I am desperate now. He used to complete his test and did fairly well, but in the recent tests, he has left many things blank, in spite of having learnt them at home. I have tried everything from rewarding to motivation to even threats for denying him his favourite things. He simply doesn't show any improvement. He watches TV for 2-3 hours daily. How can this problem be sorted? I have read that one of the reasons for lack of concentration is lack of iron in his diet. Please advise.
A:Since so few details have been given, I cannot recommend clear procedures. However, I think you should talk to the child and find out why he has lost interest in school work. His TV watching time should be reduced gradually. But there are several other factors. Does he have friends? Does he go out and play? Are the others in the family affectionate to him? There are always good reasons for why a child performs poorly in school. Part of your homework is to find those reasons and identify which ones you can attend to immediately. Please remember, a child is not there merely to attend school and finish his class work. He has positive and negative feelings, joys, doubts, hopes and fears. Start communicating with him and the problems will get solved. If they are not solved after your genuine efforts, you might wish to consult a Psychologist or Counsellor.