Why doesn't my child eat on his own?
Q: My 3-year-old son is very thin and does not eat anything on his own. We have tried to feed him forcefully. For the last 5 months, he is suffering from fever or cold. He'll be OK for 2 days, but will fall ill again. Presently, he is going to the nursery school and is in the 2nd standard. What should we do about his eating habits?
A:A child will eat whenever he is hungry. No matter, how little, he will feel the urge to eat. The habit of forced feeding will develop an aversion in the child towards food and a sense of psychological mistrust. Please offer food to your child, 5 times a day, at comfortable times, according to his schedule. Leave the food in front of him, for the next 30 minutes, in case, he does not have it, please remove it. Next meal must be offered at only the set time, and not before. The child will slowly learn the importance of food and will resume eating himself. You may get your child checked for worms, and get deworming done for the family. Please also refer the like and dislike of your child towards various tastes. There is no problem, the child will out grow and overcome this phase soon. Please don't worry!