Why does the fetus have bilateral hydronephrosis?
Q: I am 26 years old and four months pregnant. This is my first pregnancy. I got a scan done in my 14th week and the result showed bilateral hydronephrosis and suggested a follow up scan and postnatal evaluation of fetal kidney. I want to know about this condition and how common it is. What is the remedy? Will it affect my baby’s growth during pregnancy? Does it require surgical correction?
A:There are many causes of this condition. This finding is seen in about 4% of all pregnancies. But before we talk about your case many facts need to be ascertained, which shall have a bearing on the final outcome. The degree of hydronephrosis is very important, as is the finding of a persistently distended urinary bladder. The amniotic fluid volume (the fluid in the bag that envelops the baby) is important. I suggest that with all these questions you should seek a level 2 ultrasound and consult a paediatric surgeon in your town, who is also likely to be involved with the care of the baby postnatally.