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Why does my son play with broom and mop?

Q: My son is 4 years old. He always plays with a broom and a mop. My mother-in-law always talks about servant and maids in his presence. He listens to all that and orders the maid in the same way as her. She doesn't understand the situation and encourages my son. I have told her several times. But she doesn't listen. He plays with the pooja items showing aarthi and playing with the matchbox. He plays these games in my absence as well. He does not mingle with other children. I have bought sufficient storybooks, drawing, colouring books and more toys and spend 4 hours with him everyday. He plays with me when I am at home. I want him to play with toys and involve in other activities. I am carrying my second child and working. How can I make him quit the above-mentioned activities?

A:Children always observe others and imitate their actions. All children love to play with brooms. There is so much a child can do with a broom. There is nothing to worry about a child playing with household things. In the Montessori system, children are actually given small brooms to sweep their own classrooms. Since you are away at work and the child is with his grandmother, he naturally imitates her. Playing with pooja items falls into the same category. They can be used.! In many ways, real life household objects are more interesting to some children, than expensive toys bought for them. When you are playing with him, give him something to do actively. Instead of having a theory about what a child must do, watch him and be a part of his interests. Of course, you could guide him to music, books and so on, but do so with a sense of fun, not with a sense of duty. There is no need to get rid of his activities. If you sent him to a play school or kindergarten, he would pick up other interests and learn to play with other children. If that is not possible, be glad that you have a responsible family member taking care of your child when you are away at work. And prepare your 4 year old gradually, for the arrival of a new baby. If you relaxed a little, you would find everything falling into place.


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