Why does my son keep getting viral fever?
Q: Why does my son keep getting viral fever? My 3 years old son goes to a preschool and has a running nose and he keeps getting fever. We have shown to a doctor who gave antibiotic (Azee) saying that he has a bad throat and the fever remains for 3 to 4 days. We give him Crocin and cough syrup along with antibiotic. This is the third time he is getting this problem in the past 1.5 months? Is there any solution for this?
A:There is a lot of viral fever in the community at present. As a child starts pre school he mixes with a lot of children with coughs and colds and gets frequent infections. Each episode does not need treatment with an antibiotic. I can only suggest that you give the child enough time to recover completely before returning to school. This will allow him to build up a little strength to fight infections. Most parents send children to school even with fever and this does more harm than good