Why does my daughter get cough and cold so frequently?
Q: My two-year-old daughter has started going to a play school. She has started getting a cold, cough and fever frequently. It keeps coming back after 10-12 days. She has been taking antibiotics regularly for the past 2 months. She has also lost her appetite. My elder daughter also had similar problems. I am giving her Septillin as it is an anti-infective therapy but it has not been so helpful. What should I do?
A:Your daughter seems to be having allergic cough and cold, which is common in this age group. Also, it is early for a 2 and a 1/2 year old child to start going to school. Those children who are prone to develop recurrent cough and cold are better sent to school at a little later age, as more exposure results in more number of episodes of cough and cold. Most often giving extra fluids, mild antihistaminic / antiallergic syrups shall be able to control the symptoms.