Why does my daughter faint?
Q: My 11 years old daughter fainted last month in her class. She was shivering, passing transparent saliva and her body was also stiff. But after 4-5 minutes she became normal. We consulted the doctor and her blood pressure, sugar, EEG, brain CT scan were done. All the reports were normal so no medication was prescribed at that time. Now after a month, the same thing happened again, but she did not faint. She was only shivering, there was transparent saliva and her body was stiff Please advise.
A:I would suggest that you repeat a 16 channel EEG after sleep deprivation. In this, she should not sleep during the day preceding the EEG. At night she should go to sleep at 0100 hrs and wake up on the day of EEG at 0500 hrs. She should have breakfast before going for the EEG. In other words she should sleep only 4 hrs in 24 hrs before the EEG. The EEG should be done in the wakeful state and then she be allowed to sleep there, so that EEG is recorded during sleep also. In 50-60% cases the first EEG may be normal; hence sleep deprived EEG is done to increase the chances of picking up an abnormality. Your description makes me suspect a seizure. Hence, I would think of using anticonvulsant medications.