Why does my child talk to imaginary characters?
Q: My daughter is 6.5 years old, and studying in class 2. She is behaving differently for the past 15 days. She asks her grandmother to go away from her room, and says she prefers to be left alone. As I am working and am outside the house from morning till evening, I am not able to understand the change in her behaviour. She is becoming very rude to her grandmother, and says that she wants to stay alone as her grandmother shouts. She has asked me to her room as well. When I refused and pretended to be asleep, I came to know that she talks to imaginary cartoon characters and pretends that they are around her and she plays with them. What should I be doing under such circumstances? Is it natural for a kid of her age to be so imaginative?
A:Many children have imaginary friends and companions. It is not a matter to be alarmed about. It would be good in the long run to enable your child to play with other children. This may need some planning and organising. Do not discourage your child from her own games or make fun of her or tease her. She will grow out of it in a couple of years. But you should insist on her being pleasant and having good manners in talking to the grandmother. Also, explain to her that the child could be allowed to play by herself for some time. Everyone must show consideration to everyone else.