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Why does my child's feet turn blue after he gets up from his sleep?

Q: My son is three and a half years old. I have noticed that his feet turn purplish blue for some time and then turned pink. I consulted the paediatrican, who suggested an echo and chest x-ray. Both tests showed normal. The doctor said it might be due cold and it will be fine after a few days. I have seen that whenever he gets up from deep sleep and I carry him on his back with legs left to the gravity, they turn purplish blue. And when he is made to lie on his back, his feet turn whitish. His activities are normal, he plays on his stomach and he is feeding well. He breathes well during his sleep but with some noise. He has thick mucous deposited in his nose after sleep. Is it due to his lower back joint or cold? What should I do?

A:From your description it appears that there is blue discolouration of only lower limbs whenever there is stasis of blood flow either under effect of gravity or when the baby is held in such a position that the blood flow back to heart is impeded. Even though the report for echo is normal, get him examined if blood flow through to lower limbs is normal. Otherwise what I gather from the details you have given, baby looks fine and this should settle over a period of time.


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