Why does my child not sit at one place?
Q: My son in 4 years old and was born premature with a birth weight of 1.5 kg. He is one among the twins. The other baby was still born. He had developmental delays. He started talking at the age of 2.5 years and is now improving. Now, he is going to a play school. His teachers are complaining that he is not sitting at one place. He can recognise pictures and alphabets but his writing skills are not improved.
A:Your child has to be given special attention and it is not necessary to expect him to perform like other children his age. Don't forget that he has had a rough time when he was born premature. It is too early to expect him to write. Let him have plenty of play material and gradually pick up skills. A good preschool or play school should allow children to move about a lot and to choose what they want to play with. If you can talk to the teachers and let him have a less rigorous routine that will be great for him. Give him time and he will catch up. Push him to read and write and he will be unhappy, because he is not ready for those activities.