Why do I have swelling under the jaw, near my ear lobe?
Q: I am a 23 years old healthy male. For the last two months, I have been noticing some swelling under the jaw, below my ear lobe. There is no pain or itching. I consulted an ENT expert who prescribed some medicines for 12 days but there hasn’t been any improvement. Now, he has asked me get the affected area scanned. Should I do for the scan?
A:Painless swelling under the ear lobule may be from the tail of parotid gland. These glands are present on both sides of the face and produce saliva. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) from the swelling can give an idea about the pathology of the swelling. In bacterial infection the swelling is painful so painless swelling is unlikely to respond to antibiotic. Other possibilities are reactive hyperplasia of lymph node, benign cyst or tubercular pathology. FNAC by pathologist can help in the diagnosis.