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Why do blood pressure readings vary with a digital monitor?

Q: I have recently purchased a digital blood pressure monitor for regular home use. But when I take the reading and compare it with the reading taken from the doctor's machine, there is always a difference. Why is it so? Which machine is better; since I can't visit the doctor everyday and get my pressure checked? What should be the low, normal and high blood pressure reading on this digital meter? What vegetables help in reducing blood pressure?

A:The blood pressure machines in your doctors office are likely to be more accurate than the machines sold for general use provided the office machines are calibrated periodically. You do not mention how different your readings are compared to what you get in the doctors office. A difference of 5-8 mmHg is acceptable. Also it is important to remember that everyone's blood pressure fluctuates so a reading taken an hour ago may not be the same as one taken now. I suggest you take your machine with you to your next visit with your doctor and see whether it reads about the same as the doctors office machine. Regarding the blood pressure values these are as follows: Normal blood pressure: Systolic less than 120 mmHg and diastolic less than 80 Prehypertension: Systolic 120-139 or diastolic 80-89 Hypertension: Stage 1: Systolic 140-159 or diastolic 90-99 Stage 2: Systolic 160 or diastolic 100 No vegetable(s) to my knowledge can reduce an elevated blood pressure. Salt restriction and exercise can.


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