Why did my daughter faint in school?
Q: My 6-year-old daughter fainted in school. She developed a fit for 2-3 minutes. At that time she was recovering from flu and cough. She was on Prition and cough syrup that night. No antibiotic was prescribed. She was not feverish. She is not allergic to the medications. She gets flu and cough quite often though its better that what it was when she was 3 years old. She had pneumonia last year. Her lungs are OK. After the episode of the fit, blood test showed no sign of an infection. What is wrong with my daughter? Can she develop another fit?
A:Convulsions (fits) without fever in a 6 year old need to be investigated. There is no way of predicting whether your daughter will have another episode. The upper respiratory tract infection may have precipitated the attack. One of the reasons for development of repeated upper respiratory infection could be low immunity secondary to malnutrition and anaemia. There may be enlargement of adenoids or tonsils or abnormalities of nasal septum, which predispose the child to these attacks. Or it could be simply repeated attacks of allergic rhinitis.