Why can't my daughter concentrate on anything?
Q: I have a 7 years old daughter. She had been doing very well in studies. Of late she has trouble concentrating in everything. Be it studies, singing, solving maths, or playing, she cannot concentrate on anything. She is overweight and calm. Please suggest few remedial measures.
A:Children get overweight only when they eat too much and have no exercise. Both those are within your sphere of authority. You should control her diet and guide her activities. Talk to her and find out why she has lost interest in everything. Surely, you must have some idea of what is happening to her. There are no magical solutions or formulas for any childs problem that come from outside. Unquestioned affection and consistent care from the parents generally take care of all the child's needs. Study the situation in all honesty and take action. Talk to her teachers for more advice. If necessary, consult a psychologist in person.