Why are my tonsils pitted and lump like?
Q: I have pitted tonsils with tonsil stones. They are like lumps sometimes the size of a pencil eraser. I have had this condition now for 3 and a half years and its driving me crazy. Some people say that they don't notice my bad breath but that is because I don't go close to anyone. I have a horrible taste in my mouth all the time and I would do anything to get rid of this disease. It is ruining my life because I don't get close to anyone. If this problem can never be fixed, I see myself alone and lonely for the rest of my life or with a partner with the same disease. Please help.
A:You seem to have what are called tonsilloliths. Normally one does not do much for them, except gargle with hydrogen peroxide, but if yes lumps are as large as you describe, and you are really being bothered, then you need to seriously consider tonsillectomy.