What to do about vitiligo on the private parts?
Q: I have vitiligo on my private parts I have shown to dermatology doctors and they said it will take 10 months to cure. I have noticed this problem from last 1 and half years, the same is still on my private parts, I am taking zevit medicine, daily one. My age is 30. My question to you is will it be cure by zevit medicine. Will it spread on my full body?
A:I can appreciate your concern regarding vitiligo on your private parts. I do not think vitiligo on the private parts need to be treated at all. The only people who would see vitiligo on private parts are your sexual partner and you, apart from the doctor of course. Second, treating vitiligo on any part is no guarantee that it will not appear on other areas. And lastly, if one uses the conventional form of treatment for vitiligo, it can sometimes give rise to reactions which can be extremely uncomfortable in the private parts. Also the conventional treatment needs exposure to the sun - not always possible on private parts. Contrary to feeling amongst some people, vitiligo does not compromise sexual potency or virility. I therefore do not recommend treatment of vitiligo in the private parts. I have not used zevit in the treatment of vitiligo.