What should I do to fall asleep on time?
Q: I am a 19 years old male suffering from Auto-Immune Pancreatitis for the past five years. I took wysolone for two years and now take Creon 10,000 enzyme caps once a day only. Now there are no symptoms but only the immunoglobin level spikes at times. I fail to fall asleep till 3 am and wake up before 11 am, which makes me dull and lethargic. I also experience lots of fatigue throughout the day. How can I get rid of my sleep disturbance? I also have a hydrocoele-hernia surgery scheduled next month.
A:You are a young man suffering from Auto-Immune Pancreatitis for the past five
years, which is under control of medications. The main problem is you fail to sleep till 3 am thereby you are drowsy and lethargic next day. Our body requires 6-8 hours sleep every day, thus the remedy to your problem is that you should sleep on time. Following are the tips, which might help you to get over of your sleeping problems.
- Do exercise in the evening and start with long evening walks.
- Do not use computer, TV after 10.00 pm.
- Avoid Tea and Coffee after 7.00 pm.
- Take dinner by 9.00 pm.
- Listen to some music at night.
- Try reading study textbook at night; you will fell sleepy as soon as you open the textbook.
- Try these changes slowly as random cycle change are not advisable.
- Do yoga in the morning.
- Do not try any anti-anxiety or sleeping medicine without consultation.
If the above does not help you, take medical advice, as there are sleep labs in big hospitals, which might help you.