What should be done for a stomach reflux problem?
Q: My husband, 27 years old, is taking Drego-D tablet for a stomach reflux problem and has been advised to take the same for 3 months. What should he do? Also, after an endoscopy, erosions were detected in the GI tract. During this time, is it safe to conceive? I have heard that if any of the partner is on any medication especially antibiotics, it is not safe to plan kids as the drugs may affect the new born. Please clarify.
A:Your husband has a condition called GERD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease), which means that acid from the stomach is backing up into the food pipe (oesophagus). The following steps might be helpful: 1. Omeprazole 20 mg in morning before breakfast on an empty stomach. 2. Loose weight if overweight. 3. Avoid heavy meals. 4. Change diet, by reducing fat, chocolate, caffeine, and acid food and fluids (e.g., citrus). 5. Stop smoking. 6. Avoid excessive alcohol. 7. Avoid going to bed for at least 2 hours after a meal. 8. Raise the head end of the bed by 4 using a brick or wooden block under each leg of the bed. Omeprazole and other such PPI drugs are safe and should not have an impact on your pregnancy, as long as you yourself do not take the medication.