What should a 7 months old baby be fed?
Q: My 7 months old daughter is on breast feed, which is becoming a problem for me. I am still on leave from work due to this. I tried feeding her Nan 2 with bottle and sip cups but she doesn't drink that. Last week, she started taking water from the sip cup but drinks only 30-60 ml milk from spoon + bowl or sip cup. She has also developed severe cold and congestion, and I had to feed her 120 ml milk from the sip cup as I could not breast fed her due to her blocked nose. Could you please tell me a diet plan for my daughter? Also, her urine is dark yellow since last month, which I think is due to lack of water or milk and frequency is also once in 4-6 hrs, though she passes stools after every feed (4-5 times). Please guide.
A:You need to give her weaning foods like fruits and cereals 2 times a day. The rest of the time you should be either breast-feeding or giving milk with a cup and spoon. When she has a cold she will not suck effectively and may have some discomfort. It is expected that she will prefer to be fed with a cup and spoon at this time. As she gets older the number of solid feeds should be increased to 3 times a day. By the age of one year your child should be eating whatever is cooked for the family, as three meals per day and milk twice a day.