What precautions should be taken after a bypass?
Q: After the bypass surgery the ejection fraction was 35%. Now after the recent Echo test the ejection fraction was 40-45%. Is it possible to increase the ejection fraction? Doctor has advised me for walking every morning and evening 1/2 an hour. Moreover my triglycerides show a slight high value this time. Is it possible to control it by diet? I have a long time whether the pumping power is low for me as I am an asthma patient. I would be very glad for an answer.
A:Ejection fraction of 40-45% is definitely mildly deranged but in our normal day to day activities, this ejection fraction is very unlikely to create any problem. Infact barring heavy physical exertion in form of playing 3 sets of Tennis or Climbing Mountains, with this ejection fraction, there should be absolutely no restriction whatsoever in your day to day life. Regarding your second question, is it possible to increase the ejection fraction by 5-10% points because of recruitment of that pit of muscles of the heart which are not converted into scar but which were hibernating because of lack of blood supply. By exercise, you recruit collaterals and you reduce the risk factors for development of further blockages and indirectly you help the heart in maintaining the blood supply and therefore, improving the contractility and ejection fraction. However, there is no direct increase in ejection fraction by simple exercising. In reference to your 3rd query, your Asthma has nothing to do with the pumping power of the heart but if the pumping power of the heart goes down then Asthma can worsen.