What is ulcerated plaque?
Q: I am a 36 year old male. My angiography shows an ulcerated plaque in left main (LM) vessel causing eccentric impediment of blood flow to an extent of 90%. Therefore angioplasty was undertaken last month. My lipid profile had been well within limits constantly since last 4 years - overall measure between 150-180 with all the other sub readings well within control. Presently, BP - 100-110/70 & LVEF ejection 57%. Bad habits include alcohol once a week & 3-4 cigarretes per day. What is ulcerated plaque? What could be the reasons? If ulcer exists - how can it be cured and is there any way to find out whether it has been cured sans angiography?
A:A plaque is a collection of cholesterol and associated material which can be of different types. It is called ulcerated if its surface is irregular like that of an ulcer on the skin. The importance lies in the fact that such plaques are prone to development of clots on their surface with subsequent further blockage of the vessel and its serious consequences. Angiography is the only tested method of its identification. Newer methods in the pipeline include MRI imaging and ultrasonography.