What is the treatment for a child who had a clot in the brain at birth?
Q: My friend's son is 1 year and 2 months old. At birth he didn't cry. He was in PICU for 17 days. MRI test found that there was clotting. Gardinal was given for 3 months. But he is off medicine since last 4 months. He is only on homeopathy treatment. He had fits at birth, but never after that. In the next MRI, clotting was gone and only a scar was left. BERA test has been taken, and all is normal. VEP test has been suggested. Now he cannot sit or make continuous eye contact. Accupressure and physiotherapy is going on. What treatment is to be done? How can he be cured?
A:This condition is described as Perinatal Asphyxia, which is due to lack of oxygen and blood supply to brain. This sometimes leads to detrimental effect on the developing brain and results in developmental slowing as in this child. The only treatment is stimulation and early occupational therapy under the supervision of a Developmental Paediatrician.