What is the reason for low haemoglobin in infants?
Q: My son is 8 months old. He looks quite pale and the doctor says that he may be lacking in haemoglobin. While I was carrying the baby, my haemoglobin level was around 9 only, from 90 days onwards. What is the reason for this? Now doctor prescribed Iron drops. What kind of food habit may increase my baby's haemoglobin level?
A:If your haemoglobin remained low all through pregnancy and your baby also looks pale we should keep in mind whether it is interrelated. Most often low haemoglobin is because of iron deficiency for which iron has been prescribed. Reduce his milk intake and start giving some semisolid diets including green vegetables. Get your son examined by your doctor to see if has any enlargement of liver or spleen. If inspite of giving iron and modifying his diet, he continues to appear pale, then he needs to be investigated.