What is the difference between toned and skimmed milk?
Q: What is the difference between toned milk and skimmed milk? Is it OK to drink skimmed or toned milk without boiling?
A:Double toned milk is obtained by the addition of water and skim milk powder to whole milk. Usually, buffalo whole milk is mixed with reconstituted spray dried skim milk. In India, as per PFA Rules (1976), the double toned milk should contain a minimum of 1.5 per cent fat and 9.0 per cent solids, not fat. Skimmed milk is made when all the cream (also called milk fat) is removed from whole milk. Sometimes, only half the cream is removed, this is called semi-skimmed milk. If you use the milk that is supplied in packets, you must boil it before use. The packaged milk like Amul or Nestle that comes in sealed cartons can be used without heating.