What is the cure for malignant round cell tumours?
Q: The material of my disease - CT guided FNAC of right brachial plexus growth. Cellular aspirate consist of loosely cohesive clusters and singly dispersed large malignant round cells with finely stippled chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli and moderate amount of vacuolated cytoplasm. A few rosettes are identified. Impression: malignant round cell tumour - in favour of PNET. How can it be cured?
A:Malignant Round Cell Tumours is a group of Malignant Neoplasms and definitely PNET (Primitive Neuro-Ectodermal Tumour) is a malignant neoplasm under this group. To confirm the diagnosis, special immunohistochemical stains are needed on the pathological material. There are different entitities under this group of Malignant Round Cell Tumour and they vary according to the patient's age. Since you have not mentioned your age it is a bit difficult to elaborate further. However the malignant round cell tumours are very chemosensitive and radiosensitive and optimum therapy at the right time and judicious combination of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery can cure this tumour, if it is confined to the site of origin at the time of diagnosis. Should you need further clarification you are requested to contact with more details.