What is the cause of pain and epidermic orifice in the testis?
Q: I am 66 years old. I have pain and small epidermic orifice in my left testis. Doctor said that it is due to pressure restriction of sperms during masturbation or nightfall. I got an ultrasound test of kidney and stomach and everything is normal. The doctor prescribed Alprax SR 0.5 and Retoz 120 for 10 days, which made no difference. Doctor says that there is nothing to worry about. Is this due to masturbation and will it affect my future life? Please suggest any medicine, which can dissolve my orifice and clear my pain.
A:Till date no study suggests that masturbation can cause any problem. However, there is one if - that vigorous masturbation can cause some trauma. In your case I would not connect masturbation to your pain in epididymis, which we may not have any cause or in some cases related to some kind of prostatitis. I would bother about it only if its frequency increases or there is any enlargement or swelling of epididymis. You could stay tuned with your urologist and follow his advice.