What is the cause of a bigger head circumference in my child?
Q: My 3-year-old son's head is bigger as compared to other children of his age. The circumference of his head is 54 cm and he falls down several times. My sperm count was very low so doctors took out my sperms and after processing them, they put it in my wife and she conceived through artificial insemination. Is this the reason for my son's big head? Doctors did CT scan twice when my son was a year old. The report was normal. Again my son fell down and had a cut on his head. The doctors did an x-ray and said that the report is normal and my son is normal in all his activities. But he doesn't sit even for a minute. He can tell rhymes say out the alphabet and can count up to 20. What might be the reason for his big head? What is the normal head circumference at his age?
A:Fifty four cm for 3 years is a little larger than normal. There can be many causes. Very commonly, a large head may run in families. Signs indicating abnormality include abnormal shape of the head, presence of delayed development in the child as compared to other children of his age, presence of convulsions, family history of neurological illness, to name a few. A detailed developmental assessment should be done for him by a pediatrician who can then decide if any further evaluation is needed.