What is the cause for maldigestion/malabsorption?
Q: I am a 38 year old computer professional having pain in abdomen (flatulence) and long history of digestive troubles like frequent urge to pass stools which is foamy and offensive smelling. I have taken antibiotics and anti-amoebics, enzymes to get rid of this after consulting a specialist who diagnosed the problem as maldigestion as well as malabsorption. I am also experiencing frequent attack of allergies. Most of the times it is limited to skin rashes. I have consulted a homoeopath who said that as I am suffering with gastric troubles particularly maldigestion in which large quantity of (as in this case) unabsorbed food undergoes abnormal fermentation and putrefaction and form various acids and toxins which when get absorbed through intestines give rise to certain unwanted reactions like arthritis and skin allergies. Can you please suggest some remedy to this problem. I have got my blood tested 3 times, SGOT and SGPT are normal, Alkaline Phosphatase is also normal. I have also undergone ultrasound examination, colonoscopy, and gastroscopy. Examinations showed everything is normal. I have been taking the easily digestible diet. My doctor is also confused he says that abnormal fermentation produces excessive toxins and can result in allergies. Please suggest a cure. Is this concept of colonic intoxication (particularly in this case) can be accepted??
A:I am sorry that you are troubled with maldigestion / malabsorption. You need to get your stools tested for parasites to exclude infestation as a first line investigation. From your description, I form the impression that your pancreas is not producing adequate enzymes, a condition called chronic pancreatitis and you need to get investigated for this by a gastroenterologist. This will include ERCP (endoscopy of the pancreas & bile duct) and some scans. Finally, you may require investigation for coeliac disease (jejunal biopsy). Good luck!