What does my son’s urine report indicate?
Q: My two years old son underwent a urine test and the report states- red blood cells - 3 to 5, white blood cells - 9 to 10, bacteria – positive, mucous thread – positive. What does his test report indicate?
A:The presence of red blood cells in urine is called hematuria, meaning that some blood is getting mixed with urine. The amount may be small and detectable only under microscope, and is called microscopic hematuria. The presence of gross blood turns the urine pink or red, with clearly discernible blood in urine. Such blood in urine of a child may come due to some congenital conditions, during urinary tract infection, presence of a foreign body like stone and due to a tumor present in the urinary tract. Presence of some pus cells in urine may be normal. Presence of large amount of pus cells is called pyuria and usually denotes some infection, although a foreign body like stone may also cause pyuria even in absence of infection.