What does my semen analysis report indicate?
Q: I am a 27 years old male. I recently underwent semen analysis. The results are cited below:
A:Absence of sperms is semen is called azoospermia. If semen fails to show sperms, it needs to be ascertained if there is lack of precursor germ cells in testis or there is defect in the formation process in testis. Even if sperms are being formed in testis, it may not be seen in semen outside if there is blockage on the way. Hormonal analysis are done to ascertain germ cells in testis, but one may find normal hormone results even with defects in maturation or the blockage on the way. Palpation of vasa, finding fructose in semen and proper imaging results for seminal vesicles are necessary to ascertain the passage for sperms. Your urologist may decide to take a sample from your testis after all preliminary tests to ascertain maturation process and presence of sperms in testis. Only after reaching a conclusion, proper advice may be given to you.