What does an inverted T-axis in ECG mean?
Q: I am a 44 year old man. Last month during a routine medical checkup, my ECG showed an inverted T-axis. I was referred for an ECHO, which revealed an asymmetric septal hypertrophy and a mild mitral regurgitation. I would like to know what all this actually means. What kind of restrictions will this put on my lifestyle? What is the course of treatment that must be followed? An ECG that was done about 5 years ago had shown normal results. Shall be grateful for any advice.
A:The Echo and ECG findings reflect: 1) A form of heart muscle disease in which the muscles of the heart increase in thickness, in the absence of high blood pressure or valve disease. 2) In most cases this disease has a strong inheritance, therefore it is likely that someone in your family may have suffered from it. 3) Treatment is variable, but in your case would most likely consist of a group of drugs called beta-blockers. 4) It is highly recommended that you seek expert medical opinion on the nature of treatment and follow-up, including advice on family screening etc.