What do I do for elevated triglyceride levels?
Q: I have got elevated triglyceride levels (about 500), cholesterol (221), HDL 38 while other parameters of lipid profile are normal. I am taking Lipicard (fenofibrate 200 mg) for the last 6 months. Recently I got my liver test done and my SGOT & SGPT levels were 58 & 39 respectively. The other parameters are all fine in the liver function test. Are these levels because of intake of lipicard or should I udergo some more investigations or change my diet?
A:Triglyceride levels more than 350 to 400 mg require medicines. Fenofibrate is a good choice. Secondary causes of high triglycerides like hypothyroidism etc need to be excluded. The liver enzyme elevation as reported by you is very marginal and is within acceptable limits after lipid lowering drugs. Reduction in carbohydrate intake, regular exercise, avoidance of alcohol are additional measures which are useful and reducing triglycerides. I do hope you will adopt these measures under medical supervision.