What causes diffuse fatty liver?
Q: I have done my medical check up 2 months back and found the following problems in my liver - “Enlarged in size and shows diffuse fatty change. An irregular hype echoic area measuring 2 cm seen lateral to middle hepatic artery ? focal fatty sparing. No IHBR dilation seen.” Other Biochemical analysis of SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline Phosphatase etc. are normal. I consulted a doctor who has advised to take Nutroner tablet for 3 months. I have not been taking liquor for the last 7 years. I am a diabetic for the last 6 years which is controlled by taking seminar dionil one in the morning and one in the evening. I had suffered from TB and typhoid in the past. Can I use above medicine or any other medicine? What treatment to be given to get my liver normalised? Is there any problem for future?
A:Many factors can cause diffuse fatty liver. A common one is alcohol - which I note you gave up 7 years ago. Diabetes can also give a fatty liver and good control of your blood sugar is required. Drugs can also do this. The 2 cm lesion is nothing to worry about, if it is what they say it is. A repeat scan would show whether it is static in size or not - as this may help decide the nature of the lesion. However I note that you are well and that your liver blood tests are normal. This is very reassuring. There is no particular medication and I suggest you leave well alone and check again with your doctors in 6 months time - or earlier if there are any problems.