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What are the reasons for the raised levels of alkaline phosphatase?

Q: I am 46 years ofld and my height is 172 cm and weight 57 Kg. 4 months back I was suffering from acute weakness and family doctor advised for a number of clinical test and ultrasound of abdomen. All my test were normal except the following : ALKALINE PHOSPHATES - 743 u/l, Cholestrol 250 mg and Trigelcerides 225 mg. I was given Liv. 52 for 4 months but on re-testing my Alkaline Phosphate reading has gone upto to 773 u/l. I also experience stifness pain around the sides of my waist going upto the back. I feel the stifness while stretching to the sides. I shall be grateful if you please let me know the cause of such high level of Alkaline Phosphates and is there something serious.

A:Raised levels of alkaline phosphatase which is an enzyme produced by liver cells is suggestive of an obstruction to bile flow from the liver. This could be at the the cellular level or it could mean a partial blockage of of the bile ducts and very commonly by gall stones. You will appreciate that it is difficult for me describe the entire details. I suggest you consult a liver specialist locally for further explanation as you need more investigations to get a diagnosis.


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