What are the factors that affect sperm court and how to increase it?
Q: My question is regarding low sperm count and motility. If a person has 17 million sperms/ml and spermatozoa with high activity are 25%, is this normal? Is it possible to increase counts and motility at the age of 32 years? Can the time of the day affect the sperm count? What is the best time when the sperm are most active and maximum in number? Does fore play increases the sperm count? To what extent is vitamin-E useful in increasing the motility? If so, what is the right quantity to be taken? Is there any medicine which can be tried before going for any treatment which can help in increasing the count and the motility? Do daily exercise and healthy food contribute to increase in sperm count and motility?
A:Sperm counts you mentioned are inadequate but not seriously low. We need over 20 million. See a urologist for the treatment. Yes, the count can increase but no food or exercises are known to improve the counts but healthy food, regular exercises and overall happiness are important. Stress can cause fall in sperm counts. There is no proof that foreplay increases it but it does stimulate you, so there is no harm in foreplay, but don't do it for treatment sake - just do it. Time of the day is not important but 3 days gap is important. Vit. E is not the right treatment and before you take any medicine, consult a proper specialist who deals with such a problem i.e. urologist.