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What are the chances of malignancy of Barrett's oesophagus?
Q: My father is 60 years old. He has been recently been diagnosed for Barrett's oesophagus caused by dysplasia. How far can it be malignant? What is the possible treatment to prevent any malignancy or further deterioration?
A:Barrett's mucosa has an increased risk of becoming malignant. There are three options: 1. Regular endoscopic suveillance to detect dysplasia. The frequency of testing depends upon the presence and severity of dysplasia. 2. Recently, new endoscopic techniques have been developed, which can destroy the Barrett's epithelium. 3. Surgical resection of the oesophagus: this is recommended if there is severe dysplasia (carcinoma in-situ). You should consult a Gastroenterologist and discuss these options.