What are the causes and cure for kidney stones?
Q: My fiance suffered from severe abdominal pain and was taken to the hospital. The doctors scanned the abdominal area and the kidneys and reported that there is accumulation of large amounts of calculus in both the kidneys and the right ureter. There was a stone of 7 mm size in the left kidney and several stones of 4 mm and 5 mm in the right kidney and the largest was 8 mm in size in the right ureter. The doctors prescribed 2 tablets to be talen after breakfast and asked to come back in a week's time. But I'm really worried because he's suffering from severe pain. The pain-killers they prescribed don't seem to be that effective. I request you to please educate me a little on this. 1. What is the reason for accumulation of calculus? 2. What is the treatment? 3. Is operation or surgery a must in his case? 4. What is the need of the hour? Please be kind enough to answer my queries.
A:There are many reasons for formation of stones in the kidney. There could be calcium stones, uric acid or infection stones. Many times a cause is notknown. Treatment depends on the size and site of stones as seen on an IVP. These days lithotripsy and percutaneous (endoscopic) methods for removal of stones are usual. I think you should see a competent urologist who would be able to guide you well. In the meantime you should ask your fiance to drink large amounts (3 litres & above) of water.
Both my kidney had stone,got it removed from one,but i don't want another operation.
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