My child is suffering form reflux of urine and has undescended testis, please advise?
Q: I have a 10 months old baby boy who has a reflux problem (while passing urine, a part of it goes back into the kidneys, something to do with the valves there!). He also has one undescended testis. One doctor at Bangalore said he has to have surgery immediately while another one said that we can wait for 2 years. We are quite confused as to what is the best for him. Are there any good paediatric surgeons in Bangalore who can help us out and who have handled such cases before? I like your channel very much, so am expecting some help from your side as you people are interested in the good of others.
A:The undescended testis needs to be operated by about 1 year of age. As regards the problem of reflux of urine, there are several issues. Is it on one side or both? How was it diagnosed? Did your child have a urinary infection? What does the DMSA renal scan (if it was done) show? I should think that there is no great rush to operate. However, your child should be on low dose antibiotics for a long time. Also, it may be wise to do a circumcision along with the surgery for undescended testis so that the chances of urinary infection are reduced. You should get in touch with a paediatric surgeon in Bangalore for this. I could suggest Dr. Ashley D'Cruz at St. Johns or Dr. S Ramesh at the Indira Gandhi Institute.