My child is scared of blood, is it a matter of concern?
Q: I have a 2 and a half years old daughter. Right from birth, she is very active. She goes to kindergarten from 1 year and 6 months. I sent her since she is very quiet and shy when she sees an outsider. When I and my husband go to work, my mother and father take care of her. As on date she has learnt lots, she talks very well, her food intake is ok, she has cold quite frequently. Her paediatrician says that as she grows older the problem will also be reduced. Her problem is that if she, or anyone, gets hurt and she sees blood, she is scared. Even if she sees someone on TV who is injured, she asks us to put off the TV. She cries. Like yesterday during my work ink was spread on my hands, when she saw my hands she was scared, started crying for 15 - 20 minutes. I made her understand that it is ink and not injury. When she got up today in the morning she again asked me if the injury was ok. Is it a matter of concern? Please advise.
A:You have made a close observation of your daughter who seems ahead on all aspects. Congratulations! Being afraid of blood is in-built in many people. Even adult men have been known to faint at the sight of blood. Your daughter will get over it. But it may be a good idea for some caring adult to be with her when she watches TV and to reassure her. A couple of years later you can get her a well illustrated book of the Human Body and show her the positive aspects of blood. Some people are more sensitive than others. There is no cause for worry.