Kidney- small
Q: I am 20 year old boy. My weight is 55 kg. my height is 5.11 .Q. My left kidney is smaller then my right right and left kidney working properly. But left is small. I have no any problem but in future what kind of problem shall I have.
A:A person may be born with a small kidney, it could become smaller either dueto scars (pyelonephritis) due to less blood supply (ischemic) like renalartery narrowing. Since you are asymptomatic, i do not why you got anultrasound done. I would guess you would have known it from an ultrasound.Was it part of medical check up. You also write that the function of bothkidneys is fine which means that you have also get a DTPA unclear scan done.I would like to know the differential function of your kidneys (the exactvalue of the level of function).If the small kidney has normal function and there are no scars and there isno narrowing of renal artery, then a small kidney is not of any consequenceand should not worry you. To know all the above surely detailed work up.
Both my kidney had stone,got it removed from one,but i don't want another operation.
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