Is the prepuce retractible in babies?
Q: My 11 month male kid’s foreskin is not separates to his penis. Doctors and NDTV panel doctors were also advised me the foreskin will separates, as the baby grows older. But I wonder When I did physiotherapy to his penis (just push back and front) the foreskin was fully opened and it appears glans also. After a gap of 3 days again it was intact and not open foreskin and the way of urine passing hole appears thin and before urine he is jerking to pass the urine and urine was struck before and looks like bubble from that only urine goes very thinly. Sir, I am afraid it will take leads to any problem, if it separates automatically o.k., if not at what stage the surgery needs to him. When I consult here, they advise us to go small surgery right now. Is this stage will right or we can wait for some time. Please advise me.
A:The prepuce is normally not retractible in babies. It becomes retractile in the vast majority of boys by puberty, and therefore should not require physiotherapy as done by you. Physiotherapy, as done by you, can lead to tears in the prepuce, and genuine phimosis which will need surgery. Therefore please leave your sons penis alone. However, if the urinary stream is thin, a surgeon/pediatric surgeon MUST look at the baby. From your description there is a chance that true phimosis has set in. Please consult a senior pediatric surgeon, or a surgeon if no paediatric surgeon is available.