Is surgery required to treat fast heart rate?
Q: My fiance is having a fast heart beat problem since birth so she consulted the doctor at Hinduja hospital in Mumbai. She doesn't have any pain but the doctors have asked her not to exert herself and an echo yearly. Is it possible to treat the heartbeat problem with medication or does she need surgery? Will she face any problem in pregnancy?
A:Now a days, we do not advise any surgery for fast heart beat and most of these cases can be handled by cardiologists with percutaeous techniques. This involves a small puncture in the groin under local anaesthesia and then one can study the conduction system of the heart. Thereafter, radio frequency based techniques can be used to destroy the additional pathways of electrical current. This is a very simple procedure in proper hands and most patients go home with in 48 hours. Some patients can be managed with medicines but it is not possible to prescribe medicines on the internet. Most patients under proper medical supervision can undergo pregnancy normally. I advise you to take your fiance to a cardiologist who specialises in electrophysiology.