Is renal glycosuria curable?
Q: I am a 42 years old female suffering from renal glycosuria. Is the condition curable? If yes, what is the mode of treatment?
A:Renal glycosuria, which means excretion of glucose in urine in the presence of normal blood sugar level, is most often a benign condition with no long-term deleterious effect on body. However, rarely, it can be a result of abnormal functioning of kidneys' filtering system called tubules, in which case one would come across increased excretion of essential salts and electrolytes like phosphates, bicarbonates and amino acids. Later, condition is associated with impaired growth and development, dehydration and bony abnormalities and tends to occur either as a familial inherited disease or acquired conditions effecting the normal tubular functioning. Treatment is directed at the underlying tubular disease condition.