Is my urine examination report normal?
Q: I am a 37 years old male. I recently got my urine examined and below are the result:- Colour: Pale Yellow Sp. Gravity: 1.015 pH: 6.0 Albumin: +++ Pus Cells: Packetd Rest of the things were marked as normal or nil in the report. Is everything right in my urine report?
A:While urine may contain trace of proteins in health, the finding of significant protein (as 3+ indicated in your test, and called protinuria) is abnormal. Protein in the urine is a warning sign. It may indicate kidney damage or disease, or it may be a transient elevation due to an infection, medication, vigorous exercise, or emotional or physical stress. In some people, it may be present during the day and absent at night when the patient is lying down (orthostatic proteinuria). You must consult a nephrologist for urinary protein cretinine ratio, 24 hours urinary protein estimation and further work-up.
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