Is kidney stone associated with urinary frequency?
Q: My 72 years old father is suffering from diabetes for the last 25 years. He gets insulin injected in the morning and at night. Off late, he has been suffering from involuntary passage of urine and pain in the lower abdomen. He passes urine around 40 times a day. He has been diagnosed with a kidney stone measuring 17 mm. The nephrologist has asked him to undergo surgery for the same. Is kidney stone associated with urinary frequency? Is surgery the only option for removing kidney stone? Will it be safe for my father to undergo surgery at this age and with the presence of diabetes?
A:Kidney stone is unlikely to cause urinary frequency unless associated with urine infection. Since his main problem is urinary frequency, the foremost thing is to evaluate the cause for the same. It could be high fluid intake, uncontrolled diabetes, prostatic obstruction or urinary infection. A urologist would be the right person to evaluate that. The decision to treat stone is dependent on many factors like his symptomatic status, location of the stone whether obstructing, associated infection and the desire of the patient. As a principle, stones should not be left inside the body in a diabetic, since they may cause an emergency medical situation if infected.
Both my kidney had stone,got it removed from one,but i don't want another operation.
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