Is it fine if I have only one testicle in my scrotum?
Q: I have only one testicle in my scrotum but I read somewhere that it might get shifted into the abdomen. Now what are the tests to be done to get it checked and whether I should get it operated? Is there any kind of risk involved in the operation?
A:If you have one testicle since birth it would be worth the effort to know the current location of the other one if at all it is there. I think you should see a urologist who besides a thorough examination would like to do some imaging investigation such as ultrasound, CT abdomen and may be a laparoscopy. It is vital to find its location in the abdomen and get it removed. The trouble with intra abdominal testis is that it is not in sight and cannot be felt. If these testes develop any problem we may not know and hence it is a recommended practice to get rid of them. You would be absolutely normal with one normal testis. I hope it takes care of all your questions.