Is it beneficial to take milk, eggs and honey everyday?
Q: I am a 34 years old married man, weighing 75 Kg. I feel weak & tired all the time. I want to take an egg & a glass of milk every morning or evening. Can I do that? Is it healthy & beneficial in any way, or is it harmful? Can I take one teaspoon honey in a glass of milk? Will it help me maintain a good health apart from exercise? In case of diet, I am thinking of taking these two. Please advise.
A:Given your details, the egg and milk will give you good quality protein. But keeping in mind your age and body weight it would be advisable to have a glass of skimmed milk not the whole milk or buffalo's milk and have a whole egg every alternate day. Make sure that the egg is boiled or poached not fried. Honey has numerous nutritional benefits right from containing vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3 and minerals like copper, iodine, and zinc. It is also has many medicinal uses and is used in treating certain conditions. 1 teaspoon a day will not harm you. Use instead of sugar. Dabur honey is easily available and should be relatively safe to use.